Contact Me

Please call me with any concerns you have about your student. I will try to work with you to resolve any problems that may be occurring. The best time to reach me is during my planning period or lunch: 10:05 - 11:05. If you don't reach me directly, please leave a voice mail and tell me the best time to call you back. We will set up a conference if necessary.

My contact information:

Tina Tallent
phone: 828.123.4567 (school number)
blog address:

Don't be worried if you receive a phone call or email from me. I like to share positive reports about your child with you whenever I can find a few minutes. I call these my "Fabulous Phone Calls." After I place one of these calls to a student's parents, I place a coupon on the child's desk that says, "Congratulations, you have received a Fabulous Phone Call!"

I look forward to making lots of Fabulous Phone Calls this year!