What kind of teacher are you?

Ms. Tallent's Classroom

I intend to hold myself and my students to high standards in the areas of respect and manners. We will work and play in an environment that respects one another and values all who are present. Hard work and learning will be rewarded. Lack of learning will be analysed for way to help the student improve and succeed. I expect students to put forth their best effort.

I will advocate for the young people in my classroom whenever necessary. I will work to ensure they have the best opportunities for advancement in their academics. My professional goals and expectations for effective classroom management include four main area of focus. These four areas are supported in research addressed by the Association for Middle Level Education's, This We Believe: Keys to Educating Young Adolescents. These are important attributes of education for young adolescents.

Developmentally responsive: I will consider the individuality of each young adolescent when making decisions about classroom organization, policies, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. I will involve students in the decision process whenever possible.
Challenging: I will hold myself and the students to high academic standards.
Empowering: I will strive to enable students with the knowledge they need to continue on their path to making the world a better place.
Equitable: I will advocate on the behave of any student to ensure their right to learn. I will provide challenging and relevant learning opportunities for ever student.

These four essential attributes of successful middle level education can be realized and achieved best through the 16 characteristics below. To understand them better, these characteristics are grouped in three categories - Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Leadership and Organization; Culture and Community.

Characteristics for successful middle schools

This We Believe
Keys to Educating Young Adolescents

Essential Attributes

An education for young adolescents must be:

  • Developmentally Responsive
    • using the nature of young adolescents as the foundation on which all decisions are made
  • Challenging
    • recognizing that every student can learn and everyone is held to high expectations
  • Empowering
    • providing all students with the knowledge and skills they need to take control of their lives
  • Equitable
    • advocating for every student's right to learn and providing challenging and relevant learning opportunities

16 Characteristics

Teaching & Testing

  • Educators who value young adolescents and are prepared to teach them
  • Students and teachers engaged in active, purposeful learning (Active Learning)
  • Curriculum that is challenging, exploratory, integrative, and relevant
  • Educators who use multiple learning and teaching approaches
  • Use of varied assessments
Leadership & Organization
  • Decisions guided by a shared vision developed by all stakeholders
  • Leaders who are committed to and knowledgable about this age group, educational research, and best practices
  • Leaders who demonstrate courage
  • Ongoing professional development that reflects best educational practices
  • Organizational structures that foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationships
Cultures & Community
  • An inviting, safe, inclusive and supportive school environment
  • Adult advocates to guide every student's academic and personal development
  • Comprehensive guidance and support services to meet the needs of young adolescents
  • Health & wellness supported in curricula, school-wide programs, and related policies
  • Families provided opportunities for school involvement
  • Schools building relationships with community and business partners