Message to Parents/Family

It's Takes a Village

There is an ancient African proverb that says that "It takes a whole village to raise a child." I believe that is true. Or, at least it is the ideal scenario. The more that parents are involved in students' education goals, the better the chance students will rich high levels of academic and social learning. Furthermore, students achieve feelings of safety and belonging from the realization that their community can be a source of positive resources in their life journey. The school system is only the one part of a students' education pursuits.

Parents can be more than just volunteers or fun-raisers. They can be informed, included, and involved as partners in their children's education. As your child's teacher, I will strive to strengthen family-school connections and engage you in your child's learning in many ways, including the following:
  • Student-led portfolio meetings 
  • Parnet/Teacher/Student progress meetings
  • Progress reports, report cards, and anytime, online viewing of your child's grades
You will be invited to:
  • Class-wide celebration events
  • Field trips
  • Career Day
  • Lunch with your young person, any day
  • PTA events, fundraisers, community service projects and more!
Additionally, I will provide information on parent/ family education opportunities. These are seminars, reading materials and other resources that can inform parents on how they can better help their student achieve educational and social goals. These will be available in my classroom at all times.

We will utilize positive community involvement whenever possible as well. Several community organizations and businesses have offered resources including field trip opportunities and in-class speakers. These social networking opportunities will assure our students that much of their community cares deeply about their education. There is a whole village that is eager to see our students succeed.